Five comments from my readers I didn’t want you to miss
Sally on Day 302 – Love your blog. It got me to start decluttering and also chronicle my progress… Read more
Janet on Day 306 – That seals it, Cindy. We ARE the same person… Read More
Bronwyn on Day 306 – Yes, yes, yes… this is how many days seem to pan out for me… Read more I particularly liked the bit about defragging.
Sally on Day 307 – What an amazing post. I’ve been thinking the same thing lately… Read more
Cat’s meow on Day 308 – I’ve done it -hiding my head in the sand because I am completely overwhelmed… Read More
Five posts that really spoke to me this week
Sustainably Creative – The importance of chocolate spread It is important to keep that carrot dangling on the end of the stick at times to encourage you to keep at it.
The Minimalist Path – How I Gave Up Books I liked this post because I know it is a struggle that a lot of declutterers deal with.
Becoming Minimalist – Your life is too valuable to waste chasing possessions
Minimalist Woman – Tale from the cluttered crypt 13 realizations This post tells the story that once we acknowledge clutter for what it is the next step of getting rid of it is easy.
Tiny Buddha – Tiny wisdom on choosing
I don’t think this dirty old camp mat has been used for 20 years and I don’t think anyone else would want it either.
5 Things I am grateful for today
- All the wonderful staff at the hospital who looked after Liam for the last two weeks.
- Liam was moved to rehab today which was sooner than we expected.
- Success with making black sticky rice for dessert tonight.
- Keeping up with my decluttering
- Waking up everyday to the wonderful support from my wonderful readers. You have all helped keep me going over the last couple of weeks. Your prayers and positive thoughts have been a blessing to Liam and our family. We have a long road ahead of us yet but I am feeling positive and I am sure your good wishes have a lot to do with that. Thank you all.
Good links, as usual. I especially liked “How I Gave up Books.” Not a problem with me, but I enjoyed it and agree that the library is the place to be. Laughed out loud (really) at Meg’s “Tale from the Clutter Crypt.” Her description of her basement as a mausoleum was a hoot.
So glad that Liam has moved to a rehab unit. That’s fantastic, although I know it means another round of hard work is beginning.
Hi Cindy,
giving up books isn’t a problem for me either but I know there are a lot of people out there who struggle with it. Now that there a ebooks and there have always been libraries it should make it easier for people to avoid the physical clutter of books these days.
I think Liam will be glad of the hard work he was getting very bored in the ordinary hospital ward. He was sleeping a lot in the day then having trouble sleeping at night and was making a nuisance of himself. Yesterday he tried to stay awake so he would sleep better but the poor little guy ran out of giddy up at about 2pm. I hope he had a better night last night.
Wonderful news about your son. Yes, rehab will certainly tire him out!
I was thinking of you last night as I was on my knees scrubbing the shower (my most hated job too) and using some of your shower-cleaning tips. I find that most clothes are either too smooth or too harsh, but have discovered that using the onion bag netting (2 or 3 of them all rolled together) make a really good scrubber!
Hi Loretta,
don’t be fooled by the smoothness of microfibre. You will notice when you wipe a MF cloth against a dirty surface you can feel the resistance caused by the grit and grime. That is the microfibre doing it’s job attaching itself to the foreign objects on the surface. Keep wiping and when the cloth moves smoothly across the surface you know the job is done. The little fibres get into every tiny fissure to give you a fabulous clean.
It is good news about Liam we hope that everyday we will see improvement and our boy coming back to us. His sister misses him terribly.
REHAB? No problem, bring it on. I did a year myself and without a doubt it was one of the best experiences of my life. Really, it showed me what I was made of and I carry this knowledge with me every day of my life. Of course I don’t know Liam but please tell him that if an old worn out biddy like me can do it he can do it for sure.
All the best,
Hi Bobbi,
you are neither old nor worn out maybe a little crazy though.
Liam is doing very well physically really. He can get a little off balance at time but he is walking and now holding his head up again. He is going to the bathroom on his own and feeding himself with a lot less mess. It is his brain that really needs the work out but it has a lot of healing to do yet. There are aspects of his personality that are their, his cheeky side in particular but he is a very different Liam. His sister really misses him even though he could be obnoxious at time before the accident. Early days yet though.
So glad to hear Liam is well enough for rehab, and like you said, it really is early days yet. There’s lots of time for improvement to come.
Hi Jo,
Liam is doing well indeed and my hopes that he will make a complete recovery don’t seem outrageous at this point. He is still having trouble sorting fact from fiction but we can see improvement there everyday as well.
And I meant to add how much I enjoyed Meg’s “Cluttered Crypt” post in the links!
Thanks for posting my comment! Much appreciated!
Hi Sally,
it was my pleasure and thank you for your contribution.