Five Favourite comments for this week – Once again it was hard to choose because there were so many and of course I loved all the ones wishing my boy well and I thank you all for that.
Ornela on Day 299 -Isn’t it beautiful to look at the world through the eyes of a child? – Read More
Imogen on Day 299 – Things I am grateful for… Read More
Bobbi on Day 298 – Great post, inspiring for many I am sure… Read More
Jo & Di on Day 298 – Jo – Cindy, they are not too long at all in my opinion… Read More Di – Cindy, you are always offering such useful information… Read More Thank you again Cindy for doing such an incredible job for we this week. Keep them coming and I will hopefully continue to find the inspiration to add more of my own. Maybe you could stick around and write at least one a week for me once I am fully back in the game. How about it?
Jo on Day – I’ve been thinking about one other thing that we often get offered at store events… Read More
Blog/posts I have read this week that I wish to share with you.
Om Freely – Dark DARK place
Fake Plastic Fish – A web site dedicated to finding ways to live with less plastic
Minimalist Woman – Simplest way is giving away
Miss Minimalist – Real life minimalists – Jennifer
Momentum Gathering – Are you gathering womentum
Some old flip flops that I keep putting out for my daughter every time she visits but she keeps leaving behind. She is here at the moment so I took the opportunity to ask if she wanted them and she didn’t.
5 Things I am grateful today
- A good friend coming to visit and build up my belief that everything will be OK.
- Finding the will power to do the ironing.
- Enough sunshine to get the sheets dry.
- Liam ate more today and did it all himself. Not an easy task when you have your jaw stabilised with tight rubber bands.
- Some alone time with my boy on a day when he seemed a lot more settled.
Thanks, Colleen, for the link love, and more importantly thankful that Liam is improving, can do things on his own, and that you can have a chance to put your life at least somewhat back in order. More hugs, and then some more 🙂
Meg, You put some gerat stuff on your curb. I’d drive down your street daily if I lived near you.
Colleen, Good job on getting this post together for today. I’m very impressed. Of course I’ll continue to write once you’re fully back in action. -Cindy
The absolute best favorite is that Liam is doing so well!
Colleen, thanks so much for the link love. Your list is great and I love the idea of Friday Favs.
Hi Katie,
it was my pleasure to link to you because your blog is a good one. Thanks for dropping by to say hi.
Colleen, it’s so good to hear that your son is improving and that you were able to have some quiet time with him. Here’s to continued progress!
Hey Colleen great to hear things are on the up…..wish we could be there to see him looking a lot better than he was on Monday. We are all sending him our love to get better so he can come and visit us soon. All the best for continued improvement.
Hi Trudy,
thanks for the contact and thank you so much for last week. I hope sometime soon he will settle better and be more peaceful but for now he is just struggling through.
Love Col
Love your blog. It got me to start decluttering and also chronicle my progress on a blog. In just a short while (a month or so) I can feel certain aspect of my life freeing up because of the decease of suoerfluous stuff in my home. I also find myself taking a decluttering attitude toward mental things too. Useless negative thoughts, toss ’em! Activities that are only energy drains and make me feel worse, get rid of ’em or don’t engage in the first place. So thanks for a great blog!
Hi Sally,
I am glad to have been a help to you and hope I can continue to be so. It is amazing how quickly you can start to see the benefits that go beyond an uncluttered home. Thanks for dropping in to say hello. You are most welcome here.