My favourite five comments fo the week
- Di on Day 234 – Before I started getting into minimalism, I was regularly decluttering and having garage sales. When I knew a certain person was coming to check out my sale items, I would hide…Read More
- Cindy on Day 245 – Colleen is right when she has pointed out that while recycling is better than trash, it nonetheless uses energy and creates pollution…. Read more
- Jessiejack on Day 243 -I think it’s important to remember the past and cherish Read More
- Donna on Day 242 – Great post Colleen’s husband! It really is true that we wear 20% of wardrobe 80% of the time. Read More
- Paola on Day 241– This is my first comment even though I’ve been reading your blog for the last three months or so…Read More
Thanks everyone for keeping those comments coming. I am not getting alot of internet time but when I do I try to read as many as I can.
Five great links/posts I dug up from blog archives for your entertainment while I am on vacation
- My Zero Waste – Reduce
- Sanity In Simplicity – 7 Ways to unload the unnecessary
- Unclutterer – Musings on children’s birthday parties
- eHow – How to simplify and unclutter your home
- The halfway Point – Fifty ways to say no
Yes even more clothes, don’t worry we will have something different for you soon
Glad I read all the blog links. Zero Waste was outstanding and goes a long way toward answering Annabelle’s question on the vinegar bottle from yesterday.
Although I have no trouble saying no, the article on saying no gave me a chuckle. Who knew there were so many variants?
Thanks for the link to Sanity in Simplicity – 7 Ways to Unload the Unnecessary. Number 6 takes you to a link for Give Your Stuff Away Day on Saturday, September 25. It’s a nationwide movement. Great idea….check it out!
For the U.S. only, unfortunately!