In case you are wondering what I am talking about perhaps you should first read Day 227 – Have you ever watched paint dry…
Now that we are on the same page you will know what I mean by “the paint finally dried” yes it really happened my son finally went through his clothes and we have eliminated several items.
I wheeled the portable clothes hanger into his room last night asked him nicely to make his choices. I could hear a lot of groaning as I left him to it for about an hour. He is nineteen so these things don’t just happen instantly it’s prudent to make a hasty retreat and hope for the best.
I don’t think anything went back into his closet. Two “treasured” shirts went into his collection in his storage container in the garage. The rest will be going to charity. I know it is just one small step forward in my decluttering efforts but I think I deserve extra points for the degree of difficulty.
Here is one of the items that The Boy (as we affectionately call him)Â was happy to part with. I chose this item for today’s post because it fits in so nicely with the Clutter Years Tally for the week. He last used this Karate Gi when he was 7 1/2Â he is now 19 so that is another 11.5 years making a total so far of 54.5 years and we are only 3 days in.
You certainly do deserve points for degree of difficulty!
When my daughter was 19, it was like pulling teeth to get things thinned out in her room and closet.
By the way, I like how you’re tallying up the years with the items that have been hanging around. Great idea. Really makes you wonder why we keep certain items around for SO long when they’re just taking up space.
Hi Becky,
yes getting a nineteen year old to do anything is like trying to get blood out of a stone. I love him but!
As for counting those years I am looking forward to the tally at the end of the week.
yes, you certainly deserve extra points for difficulty!
Hi Willow,
thanks, the easier you make it for them the more likely it is to get done.
Way to go Colleen! Extra credit approved!
Thanks Donna I know I earned it. 😉
I’m still waiting to hear what he said about darning the socks! :~)
Hi Rebecca,
I deliberately asked him that question and I will send you a private email with his reply because it wouldn’t be appropriate to write it here. lol
Hee hee – love your sense of humour!
Hi Jo,
thanks, I get it from my mother. I couldn’t live without it.
Well done getting your son to finally declutter his clothes! I’m excited to see if you’ll make the 100 years of clutter mark this week 🙂
Hi Worsted Knitt,
thank you for your words of encouragement and welcome to my blog. It is always lovely to get new people chiming in.
As for the 100 years, I am well on my way to that. Stay tuned.
Love it!!! You so deserve MAJOR extra points for degree of difficulty. Just this afternoon I had my 6 and 7 year old go thru their books and toys to give away stuff. I’m proud of them, they compiled some things to give away that they no longer use…with some degree of difficulty (but not extra points worthy; maybe since I started them young they’ll grow up doing this w/o needing too much persuasion!!!) Your post is inspiring!
Hi Annabelle,
you nearly tricked me then I thought you were a new commenter but you just used a different name to usual. Luckily I recognised your email address.
I hate to tell you but I have decluttered with my kids from when they were quite small and it still didn’t make any difference to the way they turned out. Hopefully it will work better for you. Good luck!
Oh well, at least we (are, have, will continue to) try (ing, ied, ) with the kids! 😉 sorry about the name mix up – it’s me, Annie! i adore your post!
Hi Annabelle,
I pulled his stationary tray out and put it on the coffee table about two days ago but he hasn’t taken the hint. I told him why it was there tonight and he said he knew and figured if he ignored it long enough it might go away. Little weasel I will win in the end you’ll see.
Inspiring. Yesterday I read backwards from day 230-day 175. Today I cleaned out an old ratty woven reed hamper, culled broken toys and rubbish, and put the hamper on the curb to “free-cycle” it. (we live on a very busy street- this is effective for having items reused). And I just listed three things on Ebay. The most effective criteria from your blog posts is “would I pay to get this back from a pawn shop?” Usually the answer is NO! Keep up the great work, and yes indeed, extra credit on the son’s clothes!
Hi CindyK,
I am glad to see you taking such an interest in my post. I am glad they are being of help to you. I must give credit to Gogol for the “would I pay to get this back from a pawn shop” approach to decluttering. It was his comment that inspired that post back on Day 197.