The item I am decluttering today is a motorcycle jacket that has belonged to my husband since before we were married. He has not worn it for years. He had a set of motorcycle leathers made way back then as well and they became his protective clothing of choice.
This Jacket has become an example of natural progression decluttering purely by accident. When I say accident I mean it literally. I recently tagged along on one of my husbands business trips. We had no sooner reached our destination and had a bite of lunch when we received a call from our son. We had lost control of his motorbike during a rain squall and slid down the road. Luckily, he was not hurt.
After years of holding on to this jacket unused, my son finally gave it a new lease on life when he started to ride. Needless to say the jacket went sliding down the road with him but unlike him it did not come off unscathed. It is beyond repair and is going in the trash. Sadly or fortunately as fate would have it, we also still have the leather jacket my husband hasn’t used since 1994 so he can now use that one.
I regret that this post is a bit anti-productive when it come to setting an example for not keeping clutter unused for years on end. It is however the exception rather than the rule and it will not influence my attitude to clutter in general.
The one thing that is irreplaceable in that event is your son. I’m relieved that he is fine.
Hi Willow,
motorbikes are not the safest form of transport that is for sure but try and tell an eighteen year old what is best for them and see what the response you get, right! he was fine and didn’t get a scratch luckily. he was due to do a riding test two days later and it was quite a drama to postpone that until he got his bike back from the repair shop. The up side is that there is one more thing decluttered from the house.
I’m glad your son wasn’t hurt in the accident. Your post just inspired me to get rid some of my clothes I haven’t worn for years. I found it hard to throw these away sometimes.. but yeah its necessary to let go and move on with life. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Justin,
thanks for reading and joining in with a comment. You are most welcome here any time. You’t are right it is necessary to let go and move on with life. If we cling to long and too strong to the past we can make the most of the future. Enjoy the fact that someone else might get the use out of those clothes if you donate them to charity.