In Australia some local councils schedule Bulk Waste Collection days throughout the year so that people can get rid of those larger rubbish items around their homes that won’t fit in the garbage bins. This is a free service offered twice a year in each neighbourhood.
We receive a flyer in our mailboxes about a month in advance announcing which weekend has been allotted for our neighbourhood to put out our items for collection. This gives us enough time to choose and prepare the items we want to get rid of. Then on our allotted weekend we haul our rubbish out onto the curbbside to be collected the following week.
Quite often second hand dealers and other people will come by and take items they want from the curbside before the collection takes place. It is heartwarming to think that some of it will be recycled rather than trashed. I actually picked up a piano stool one day to use as a lamp table I was then able to donate a larger coffee table that I really didn’t have the space for.
We will be taking advantage of one of these collection services this weekend. I have an old broken garden umbrella and a rusted old porch swing that are ready for the trash. I am most grateful for this service as it is not easy to get items of this size to the rubbish tip and when you do they charge you to drop them off.
This is my dimantled porch swing,one of the two items being picked up on Bulk Waste Collection Day