Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post to the site, it is a good time for me to do this as this is almost the first anniversary of finding your site  and my australian de cluttering journey .
I moved from the UK to this lovely country 7 years ago when I was  given a great job offer . We cleared our home then of  clutter that we didn’t want to move half way round the world. Well meaning friends gave us leaving gifts I really didn’t want to take . Interesting how weight restrictions on packing can focus the mind.  I even sold my wedding dress on eBay , my husband was not happy at all but my thought was ” it can either be gathering dust under the bed in England  or under the bed in Australia, so why not use it to fund our new life ? ” he still hasn’t forgiven me though!
When I noticed the clutter start to build again I started to examine the problem, is clutter stalking me or am I generating it with my habits ?
Turns out its a bit of both! Look at picture below that details the clutter journey with the month and headings  of in and out – can you tell when my birthday is ?
More importantly , can you tell when I read the post on ” churn” and decided to really  pay attention to my habits ?
(It’s when the ” out ” heading moves to the left side of the page instead of ” in ” being first – I didn’t notice it had happened for months.)
Well to round up, I think that having important  meaningful relationships in life can manifest in some  clutter. I feel grateful about this , that people care about me . Recently presents  have started to be handmade food items or up cycled  gifts as word gets around about my practise ,and I will continue my journey with my fellow declutterers whilst watching for clutter stalking me ….
Today’s Mini Mission
Declutter excess bath towels and in future only replace them when they wear out ~ Judging from many of the linen closets I encounter, during visiting friends and relatives, I would say the people generally replace towels on a far too regular basis. Not because they are no longer capable of the task of drying but simply because they are considered decor items that are to be replaced when tired of.
“If we do not feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we’d be happy with more?†— Unknown
Jane, congratulations on the changes you have made. It’s good to hear from you. It’s interesting how a move can make a difference in what we keep and what we declutter. I’m finding I like losing the weight of all those “things.”
Terrific progress, it’s an inspiration. I love the “in/out” list! I think I’m going to try it.
I agree about weight restrictions focus our attention on clutter. My aim is to only have furniture that I can easily move by myself . No heavy tables or chairs that hinder spring cleaning efforts. Cheers
Thanks for the idea of the side-by-side lists of items, that is most helpful. Clutter can so easily pile up in a very quiet way when we aren’t paying attention.
Actually seeing the in-out list helps so much with identifying what and when you bring ‘in’ and take ‘out’. Good idea!
Fellow Brit here Jane! 😉 I’m continually decluttering – it feels as though it will never end. And in actuality it won’t as we cannot stop the flow inward. Sounds as though you are on the case. Just being mindful of what you are accumulating is always going to be the most important factor in knowing when too much, is indeed too much.
I do still have my wedding dress – and it’s gathering dust in my English loft. maybe had I moved to Australia it would have been rehomed. And maybe that would have been for the best!
Good luck with your ongoing journey.
(I’m decluttering today – kitchen for me!)
I like the idea of a visual comparison. We constantly have to look for ways to stop incoming clutter in it’s tracks, don’t we?
I love the idea of the ‘in’ & ‘out’ list! Great job, Jane!
Thanks for your comments, feel free to trial the in / out list folks, it’s free and kind of satisfying .