Declutter you handbag,wallet or purse. There is usually at least a receipt or two and some miscellaneous items that collect in there. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Tuesday 16012018
Declutter a piece of tech that is past being useful to you. I am decluttering my old MacBook as its battery can no longer hold a charge and I don’t need a device so big and cumbersome these days, especially when traveling. I have downsized an iPad and my old files have been loaded onto my husbands MacBook. This item will be sold to someone who I am sure will get years more good use out of it. I am sure the battery can be replaced. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Monday 15012018
Identify a group of items that you feel you have too many of. Designate a smaller area that they must fit into and reduce the numbers to fit that space. Recently I declutter my craft ribbon stash by deciding that it all had to fit into one storage box, not two. Then I chose which ones I was prepared to part with, such as ones that had been lingering unused for a long time and little bits and pieces that weren’t being used up. Then I bundled up what I didn’t want and sent them with a load of other stuff to the thrift store. Some suggestions for you might be stationery supplies, make-up, … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Friday 12012018
Delay your next grocery shop by doing a use it up challenge from your fridge, freezer and pantry. Begin this Mission today. I started this just after Christmas and I have almost achieved an empty fridge and freezer. Granted I don’t store a lot in them anyway but using what is in there, and being inventive also with what is in the pantry, I am well on my way to clearing away all ingredients that won’t keep while I go travelling for six months very soon. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 11012018
Declutter something you are bored with, sick of, or the novelty has just worn off. Take note that novelty items have a tendency to go this way, so think twice about acquiring such items in future. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 10012018
Choose a handful of books to donate, sell or give away. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission- Tuesday 09012018
Find something to use up that has been loitering in your home for too long. Maybe a less liked toiletry product, an ingredient in your panty or maybe a craft supply item... Use your imagination. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Mon08012018
Well a new year has begin and hopefully lots of people have made it their resolutions to begin living with less. That should be by not only letting go of excess stuff but also resolving to acquire less stuff from now on. Many folks bemoan the task of Declutter while continuing to acquire and wonder why the task seems to be endless. So let me tell you now, both resolutions go hand in had or else you will just be treading that hampster wheel of clutter indefinitely, simultaneously complaining about the state of your finances no doubt. So let’s start of the new year by vowing to declutter … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Friday 22Dec2017
Declutter a couple of old shabby shoes that you no long choose to use. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Thursday 21Dec2017
Declutter your fridge of out of date items or by using up as much as possible before adding more. With the holiday season here you will likely need every inch of spare space. … [Read more...]