Declutter a technology item such as an old cell phone, redundant charging cords or other tech accessory that you no longer, or maybe never did, use. It is amazing how these items can accumulate. Earbuds with only one side working would be a fine example of this, or ones acquired free on aeroplanes during long haul flights, guided tours etc. So they can build up in drawers all over the house, or in the bottom of your handbag. We tend to bing them home whether we need them or not because we know they will end up straight in the trash otherwise. Young people are often good recipients of this … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Thursday 6OCT2017
For this mission I would like you to do some investigation on how to donate a specific kind of item to a recipient that will most appreciate it. This is so that you have a resource for donating, perhaps unusual, items that you may fear will end up in landfill if simply sent to a thrift shop. Here is an example for you. On the weekend I went browsing around some yarn stores to investigate what yarns were out there and which shops held the best ranges. While chatting with one friendly staff member in an alpaca yarn store I found out that there is a thrift shop in Sydney that sells only … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Wednesday 4OCT2017
Declutter, or start a use-it-up mission on, something that you constantly pass over to use a similar item instead. This might be a toiletry item such as a hair product, hand cream, body wash, purfume etc. Or maybe an ingredient in your kitchen, or a crafting medium, or even something as simple as a pen you don't like the flow of... I am sure you can think of such an item. I am going to set myself a challenge to use up some of the cardstocks in my craft stash that I never use. And maybe some embellishments too. To be honest, I suppose, I do this all the time because my whole craft stash is a … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Tuesday 3OCT2017
Declutter something that requires too much maintenance than it is worth. Perhaps an item of clothing that requires dry-cleaning. Maybe a collection of knickknacks that you are tired of dusting. Or maybe some silly kitchen gadget that you spend more time, digging out of the back on the cupboard and the cleanup after use, than the time you save by using it. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Monday 2OCT2017
Declutter one of those obligation items. You know the ones, things you keep out of obligation. Maybe someone gifted it to you and that is the only reason you keep it. Maybe an item someone made for you, or anything that you keep because you feel you should regardless of the fact that you no longer want it. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Friday 29Sep2017
Declutter yet another item from your kitchen that is never or seldom used. There are so many items in most kitchens so there is usually something among them that can be decluttered. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 28Sep2017
Declutter an item from the season you have, or are still moving out of. Winter for us in the South and Summer for those in the North. It could be a clothing item or anything related to that season that you did not use this time around and doubt you will ever use in the future. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 27Sep2017
Declutter some sort of carrying equipment. Perhaps on suitcase, backpack, handbag, tote... that you no longer favour. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Tuesday 26Sep2017
Declutter something green. … [Read more...]