Declutter some kind of liquid item that is past its prime. This might be some old nail polish, craft paint or the like that has gotten old and dehydrated. Or it might be a toiletry item that you don’t like. Or maybe go through your pens and make sure there aren’t any that have dried up. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Friday 17Nov2017
I really am a slack blogger these day. Once again I have been missing missions posts. My only excuse is that I have had visitors. Sorry folks. Today I will give you a Mission to make up for the last three days. One mission, three items. Identify an area of your home that could use decluttering and reorganisating and find at least three items to declutter. And now a little side story. Yesterday I took my visitors to a cute little town nearby which has nice antique shops and handmade stores. Although I am not much of a shopper usually I do however enjoy looking at antiques and handmade … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Tuesday 14Nov2017
Declutter some scraps of something, maybe timber, paper or fabric, that you set aside to use up one day but have never gotten around to it. Perhaps you can find someone with a similar arts/craft interest that might like to take these items off your hands. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Monday 13Nov2017
Declutter a less loved item from a large collection. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission-Wednesday 8Nov2017
Sorry folks I haven’t been well this week and the Mini Missions slipped my mind. However after too much time lying and sitting around today I am on a mission to do some organising. I find that doing something useful puts me on the road to recovery much faster than sitting around feeling sorry for myself. And decluttering and organising is a task I enjoy as well as gives me purpose, and having purpose is what life is all about. I also set up the health tracker ap on my phone that will record my activity. This, I am sure will encourage me to achieve higher each day and likely errode those … [Read more...]
Mini Mission-Friday 3Nov2017
Declutter a unloved decor item that is collecting dust. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 2Nov2017
Declutter something you appreciate for its service to you in the past but that you have no further use for. These items can often be hard to part with because we see the worth in them, but sometimes it is just time to set them free to be useful to someone else … [Read more...]
Mini Missions – Tuesday and Wednesday 31Oct&1Nov2017
Sorry I have done it again and missed Tuesday. So here are two missions to cover both days. Declutter something paper. Declutter one more thing from your kitchen that is rarely or never used. I did this with my son and daughter-in-law yesterday which resulted in two boxes of stuff in the trunk of my car to go to the thrift shop. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Monday 30Oct2017
Declutter something you bought but never used. And give some serious thought to your acquisition habits. Recreational shopping is a big cause of clutter, a waste of hard earned money and not at all environmentally friendly. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 26Oct2107
Declutter some sort of ingredient or medium for making stuff with. This might be a chance to make that recipe you’ve been meaning to try with that obscure but unused item in your pantry. Or it might be the inspiration for a craft project. I know which one I am going to choose. Craft of course! … [Read more...]