Declutter a handful of little things such as excess stationery supplies, jewellery items, out of date pills or makeup items... … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 19July2017
Declutter a few books you don't think you are likely to want to read again. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Tuesday 18July2017
If you are one for attaching all sorts of stuff to your refrigerator with magnets how about decluttering it today and making an effort to keep it less cluttered in the future. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 12July2017
Declutter something that you, or another person in your household, has grown out of, physically, developmentally, and or emotionally. There isn't much that doesn't  fall into this category. It could be clothing, kids toys, items you have lost interest in or affection for, such as hobby items, décor, art works, sentimental items, books, educational texts or papers, the list goes on. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Tuesday 11July2017
Declutter one of those "I might need it someday" items. Chances are if you haven't used it in six months you probably never will. That may not be the case, however, if it is one of those single use gadgets whose task can be performed by some other simple yet more versitile item, then declutter the gadget and keep the more useful thing. Here is an example do you have and egg slicer, garlic press, bean slicer or mandolin in your kitchen that is rarely or never used them get rid of it and use a knife to perform all the task. If you have all four of these gadgets just think of the space you … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Monday 10July2017
Declutter something given to you by someone else that you no longer want. Too often people hold on to such items out of obligation. Just because an item was gifted to you, made for you or was handed down to you does not mean you should feel guilty to let it go if you no longer want it. No one should expect you to clutter up your home with things you no longer want or need. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Friday7July2017
Declutter a few items from an overfilled drawer or shelf. Do you have a cupboard or particular drawer that you dread accessing because thing jump of fall out every time you open it. Or that you can't find in it what you are looking for among all the excess. Annoying isn't it? Time to liberate that clutter and yourself and time as well. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 6July2017
Declutter an item that served you well for sometime but that you rarely if ever use anymore. Perhaps this item has been replaced by a better model. Perhaps it just no longer suits your needs. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 5July2017
Decluttering something you regret buying that has barely been used. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission Monday 3July2017
Decluttering an item you only keep out of obligation. … [Read more...]