Declutter an item you purchased in the last three months that you still haven't got around to using. Maybe you can return it to the place of purchase. If you are a more discerning shopper , not prone to recreational shopping, then declutter something that you once bought and used but now find no need for. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Tuesday 22Aug2017
Declutter an item that you haven't used in the last year. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Monday 21Aug2017
Declutter something that is used for making something with. It could be craft material, cooking ingredients, chemicals, hardware materials... … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Friday 18Aug2017
Declutter a make-up item that you either don't use or has gone past its best by date. Germs can build up on such items, so it is best to have a clear out, of such items, on a regular basis. When doing so be rational about what you do use and don't replace the rarely used items. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 17Aug2017
Declutter at least ten pieces of paperwork from your filing system. I am sure you can find at least ten, unles of course you decluttered this space thoroughly within the last couple of weeks. It is amazing how quickly paperwork builds up. While you do this task reduce future paper waste generation by identifying and arranging to digitise bills etc that you can receive and store on your electronic devices. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 16Aug2017
Declutter a kitchen utensil that you rarely or never use. There is usually another utensil that can perform the same task. One multifunctional kitchen tool takes up far less space than several specialist tools. Of course if you use the single use utensil frequently it is worth the space it takes up, but in my experience that is rarely the case. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Tuesday 15 Aug2017
Declutter a pair of shoes that you rarely wear, are uncomfortable or are very shabby. I am the queen of getting a good price for whatever I buy. However, when it comes to shoes, the main aim is comfort and I am willing to pay for that. Of course style is a factor, but being able to walk for miles in comfort is my main aim. So I usually end up with shoes that I wear to death rather than just tire of and replace, thus eliminating the chance of shoe clutter building up in my home. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Monday 14Aug2017
Declutter something that is collecting dust. Eliminating items that required dusting was a big factor behind what got me reducing my belongings in the first place. Doing that immediately reduced the time it took to get through my weekly house cleaning task. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission -Saturday 12Aug2017
Declutter a trinket that is collecting dust. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Friday 11Aug2017
Declutter some scraps. This could be left over fabric, plastic, wood, or other medium that you made something with at sometime. Maybe the leftovers really are of no use to you now. I do this with craft items on a regular basic. I can usually find another crafter who can use these items or I can package a selection up and sent them to the thrift store. … [Read more...]