Declutter something that is white. It is amazing how easy it is to scan a room for a particular colour and then decide whether to declutter the item or not. White can obviously include paper, so that would make it even easier. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 7Sep2017
Declutter an item made from fabric. Anything made from any sort of textile will do, a clothing item, an old rug, curtains, linen etc. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 6Sep2017
Declutter something pet related. If you don't have a pet, declutter some other item around your house that is intended to amuse. For humans the novelty of such items usually wears off quickly. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Tuesday 5Sep2017
Declutter an item made of glass, china or clay. This item could be just about anywhere around your home, from the kitchen to the garden. I know I have a huge planter pot I want to be rid of. What puts me off is trying to get the heavy thing out of my apartment. But it is about time I made the effort. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Monday 4Sep2017
Declutter an unwanted gift. Most homes have one of these collecting dust or just wasting space somewhere. Thankfully most people in my life have reached a point In their live where they would prefer to not give or receive gifts. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Friday 1Sep2017
Declutter a novelty item and take some time to think about the wasted resources that went into making that item and how much money you wasted on acquiring it. Maybe that contemplation will help you to not fall into the trap of acquiring similar objects in the future. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Thursday 31Aug217
Declutter and reorganise a small drawer. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission – Wednesday 30Aug2018
Sorry folks I just realised I had forgotten to set up the mini missions for this week. I hope you all showed your own initiative and made up missions for yourself. Here is one for today. Declutter something that can be recycled. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Friday 25Aug2017
Declutter something from the garage or a storage space, such as an attic or basement. These hidey holes are usually brim full of stuff that may once have been useful to you but no longer are. … [Read more...]
Mini Mission ~ Thursday 24Aug2017
Declutter something made from metal. I am sure you can find such thing in every room of the house. Anything form jewellery items to garden spades would fit the bill. … [Read more...]