It seems Jo and Deb J have been monopolising the favourite five comments this week. It was a difficult week again to settle for only five.
Jo in response to Mini Mission Monday – Itty Bitty Bits ~ Your question got me thinking, Colleen – as usual, I might add… Read the whole conversation from here.
Deb J in response to Don’t confuse overwhelmed with busy ~ If I look at it in smaller steps it’s easier. Still takes awhile. But isn’t that what slow and thoughful decluttering is about? This is my favourite part of the comment but if you wish to read the whole comment you will find it here.
Deb J in response to Is Buying Hobby Clutter Your Hobby ~ In reading over all of the responses one thing that has really struck me is that “hobbies†can take over our lives… Read more
Jo in response to Is Buying Hobby Clutter Your Hobby ~ Cindy, it’s amazing how so many of us think alike when it comes to crafting of any kind… Read More
I loved these words from Katharine in a response she wrote to a chain of comments ~ I just love the experiences of understanding what is behind some of my clutter habits as then I know how to change them. It’s all very empowering & positive I find. Link to the conversation here.
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Now for the favour five post / web finds
Zero Waste Home ~ Why I have let go of non functional
This is a great little Aussie blog that is inspirational and radiates hope and joy in the everyday wonderful things that life is really about. ~Â 365 Grateful
Umair Haque speaks about Harvard Business Review ~ Is a well lived life worth anything?
Minimalism Defined ~ Death life the legacy of clutter guest post from  Robert Wall
The Unblogger ~ The shocking truth about perfectionism
Today’s Declutter Item
Now that my son  has weeded out the hoodies that don’t fit any more he is starting to wear out the ones that do. I can see my bank account taking a hit in the near future.
My Gratitude List
- Something that made me laugh ~ Steve making fun of me because I needed his help to fix something on the computer that only required me to click on one button. Did I mention he is a wise ass. 🙂
- Something Awesome ~ When the chain of kindness works ~ when you do a random act of kindness for someone not expecting anything in return and then someone randomly does something nice for you. I hope the chain kept going after my turn.
- Something to be grateful for ~ Getting rid of lots and lots of scrapbook supplies yesterday.
- Something that made me happy ~ Crossing two huge procrastination jobs of my list of decluttering this week.
- Something I found fascinating ~Going back to a place you haven’t been for a long time a seeing how much it has changed. Apparently 12 years is a long time.
I have to admit, I loved these posts and the resulting discussions – they made me really think and analyze certain things I am doing in the creative aspect of my life, which is now, and has been since I was little, very important to me. It’s not that I’m overly talented, or that I have produced a lot – it gets put on the back burner when duty calls, as it has for a number of years now – but it’s part of my identity and I was ready to give it up until recently. But these discussions helped me solidify and refine my thinking on where I’m going with it, and for that I am thankful.
Major kudos to Colleen for the fantastic results in selling scrapbooking supplies AND dealing with the trophies! You must feel a ton lighter!
Hi Jo,
I understand what you are saying about creativity being a part of you. I first used a sewing machine when I was so young that I don’t even remember it. My mother did dress making from home. My mother tells of how my sister and I made flannelette pajamas when we were only seven and eight years old. Since then I have crocheted, knitted, done fabric painting and oil painting, cross stitched, looked rugs, scrapbooked, made jewelry and I am sure there are a few I have missed. Life would not be the same without a creative outlet and I don’t ever plan on giving it up fully. I just plan on reducing the clutter I have mistakenly accumulated in the process. I now know that you only need the supplies required for doing the job at hand and nothing more.
Oh and yes I do feel a ton lighter and now I just need to get in and rearrange the craft area a find some more things to declutter.
Hi Colleen! Thanks for the link talking about the death of a loved one. It really brought things into perspective to me.
Hi Andréia,
I thought of you when I stumbled across this site and I thought you might find it comforting. I am glad you enjoyed it. is awesome. Thank you Colleen.