My favourit five comments for the week
Loretta on Day 269 – I’m afraid to admit, that I have been one of those tragic overseas travellers… Read More
Annabelle on Day 269 – This afternoon we went to a neighborhood flee market. There was so much JUNK! Read More
Hopeinbrazil on Day 268 – Two years ago we had to leave Brazil in a hurry (serious health issues…Â Read More
Kate on Day 271 – … I waffled for years about whether to take my youngest son to be “diagnosedâ€, but ultimately decided to give him time and space… Read More
TheSimplepoppy on Day 273 – I just this week gave away some pillow covers in a revolting orange/brown pattern…Read More
Five post I read this week that I wanted to share with you
Becoming Minimalist – Adam Baker on the- importance of selling your crap
Minimalist Woman – Change of seasons (I thought that this post was written with such sensitivity that I felt sure that the transition would go as smoothly as possible just because of the calming vibe Meg brings the situation. Her parents are lucky to have her calming presence there for them at this difficult time.)
Becoming Minimalist (Again) – How to simplify your stuff and honor your memories
Find me in France – for anyone going through a mid-life crisis career wise you really should read this whole blog. I am only half way through but am having a blast reading it. It is so close to home as the saying goes. Here are links to the About Page and the First Post (Grace)
Zero Waste – Who wants more for their money?
This one of the items mentioned in yesterday’s post.
- Friendly people – like the lady who when I asked if I could take photos of the flowers in her driveway she cut a bunch for me and insisted I take some of the bulbs so I could grow them in my own garden.
- Telephones – so my husband and I can stay in touch when he is out of town.
- Chocolate – enough said
- Vision – I had such a lovely time on my walk today taking photos of the lovely flowers. I can’t imagine what it must be like to loose my vision and not be able to enjoy the beauty of nature.
- 24 hours in a day – sometimes you need every one of them.
Wow, thank you so much for the fav post link, it is much appreciated. I love your gratitude list, and it is inspiring me to buy a good chocolate bar today to celebrate the start of October 🙂
Ah Meg, I spy a weakness I didn’t know you had. Chocoholic! lol 😉
Oh thanks for the mention! Sometimes I wish there were more hours in the day but I think if there were, we’d all still feel like it wasn’t enough!
Hi TheSimplePoppy,
my pleasure, and as for those hours in a day, if I hadn’t spent all yesterday sitting at my laptop feeling guilty about not doing anything else I wouldn’t have needed the extra hours anyway.
Ah lovely Colleen, thanks for the link you sweet lady! I already heard from one of your friends, how cool is that? My purge has reversed, the shipment from Canada arrived. Overall still pretty small but maybe there could still be less. Did I really need to bring my wedding dress!!!
Cheers from Beautiful Burgundy,
Hi Bobbi,
The link is entirely my pleasure or at least I hope it will be a pleasure for my other readers. I am sure they will enjoy reading your story as much as I am. I am part way through September now and loving it. I will be glad when I get caught up to date as I have been spending far to much time on the previous pages and not getting any housework done. Oh well, I never like housework anyway.
You are right about the wedding dress, lucky for me I have left mine to clutter up my mother-in-laws house for the last 23 years. My husband want me to bring it home so he can take a picture of me in it. I am not at all sure why he thinks it is still going to fit, isn’t he sweet just thinking it will.
this needs to stop. Instead of cleaning the place, getting my suitcase packed and preparing everything for the holidays, I just spent the last 3 hours reading bobbis beginnings. (how entertaining…) and got hooked on the “sell your crap” of adam baker. Now all I want to do is sell my stuff and spin the globe and point to a new life. I do travel on a regular basis, I switch homes every 1-3 years, because everything starts feeling to close and tight already. But I never selled my things. But I never seriously decluttered and questioned my lifestyle until just recently as well… amazing how fantasies can become real after some time.
I think sometimes though Lena when it come to stuff one should consider just as carefully the selling of it just as much as the buying of it. Clutter accumulates because of unconsidered purchases, often on a whim that we later regret. Selling up all our stuff and travelling the would should be just a carefully considered. But of the two I know which one sounds more appealing to me and it’s not the buying. Keep questioning until you are certain and then do what you feel is right.
so true. although it requires a bit more effort and steps to sell stuff. Buying can be so easy.
But the idea of living in a campingvan has been a dream for a couple of years (it was always more the thought of freedom that is appealing, now comes the minimalism in addition) and as I have been camping a lot since childhood, I know it would be alright with me. lets see if my boyfriend is someone who stays long enough and is up for stuff like that…
Lena I sincerely hope the boyfriend turns out to be a perfect match. Perhaps you will open his eyes to new possibilities. I know you are up for the challenge.